iq2 Digital
A Smarter Way to Digital Marketing
325 Valley Park Drive
Valley Center, KS 67147
(316) 351-4536

iQ2 Digital provides local businesses with a wide portfolio of digital marketing services. Our services include text marketing, VIP Clubs, Birthday Clubs, Loyalty Programs, Referral Programs, Social Media Management, Google My Business Management, Facebook Re-targeting, SEO, Website Development, Online Reviews Management, Online Listings Management and E-Mail Marketing. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of your business and offer a no cost consultation to assist your business in maximizing your digital marketing efforts.

Customer Recommendations

We use iq2 for our VIP Texting program, our customers love it and it pays for itself many times over. easy to adjust our offers and great company to work with. I highly recommend them.

We are very excited about partnering with iQ2 Digital and having Wichita Discount Card listed on the RelyCircle referral platform We all know that referrals and word of mouth recommendations are the best advertising. RelyCircle makes it simple for businesses to request referrals and for customers to share their experiences. The rewards program is a great incentive to encourage clients to share and thank them when they do.