Sport Science collective
Fitness & Instruction
2440 Grand Ave
Vista, CA 92081
(760) 390-8702

Our system is built on a specific hybridization of olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, speed/plyometrics and body-building within the application of sport.Each of these training types specializes in improving a specific attribute needed to take your athleticism to the next level.

With the incorporation of scientifically proven velocity based training (VBT) technology we maximize each session by monitoring movement speeds to train a specific quality. If you move the bar more slowly than the target speed, you need to decrease the weight. If you move it faster, you need to increase the weight. This technology optimizes training day-to-day, limits fatigue related injury all while promoting competition between athletes.
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Customer Recommendations

I am not a customer of the Facility yet but have reviewed their program and spoken with Dom. Dom seems to be a thorough professional with amazing knowledge base in his field.
