Pratima Kumar
Live Your Dreams
Life Coach
Bromley Ln
Aurora, IL 60502

This book is for those interested in reading self-help books and motivational books. In this book Author Pratima Kumar points out about the hidden power we all possess which mostly people are not aware of. They are ignorant about their inner power. You may have several desires in life. But at some point of time you might have experienced that all your desires couldn’t be manifested. People have limiting beliefs which is deep rooted since their childhood. Because of their limiting beliefs, they struggle in life and experience failure. In this book the Author clearly explained how you can reprogram your brain and manifest your dreams. If you are confused about your goals, through this book you will learn how to do self-analysis and come to a conclusion about your ultimate goal.

This book explains about
*Different type of mindset we all have and how we act in our life.
*How we can have positive attitude towards life
*Limiting beliefs we have*How to get rid of limiting belief
*How to avoid negative people
*How to avoid negative situations in life
*How to unleash the hidden power inside you
*Different levels of mind – Conscious and Subconscious Mind
*The Power of your subconscious mind
*How you can focus on your goals and bring it into reality
*How you can transform your life and make it better
*How to manifest your dreams
*Proven techniques to manifest your desires in life
*How to manifest wealth and abundance
*How to manifest harmonious relationships
*How to materialize what you want in life

If you want to transform your life and live your dreams, then this book is for you. Read this Personal development book and implement the proven techniques taught in this book and manifest your dreams. You have a miracle mind. Unleash your potential and create your own destiny. You are not born to struggle and face failure. Instead, you are born to enjoy your life, attain great knowledge and experience all good things in life.
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Customer Recommendations

This book is amazing. By reading this book I got very motivated to work towards my dream. Must read
